one year blogiversary q&a || i’m extremely late but oh well

Are we going to ignore the fact that it’s been more than 4 months since my blogiversary?

Yes. Yes we are.

Firstly, thank you all for actually sending in questions and feedback because I was ready for the google form to be a complete failure but it wasn’t??? THANK YOU! and secondly I KNOW this is very long overdue, and that is completely my fault. Procrastination does tend to get a hold of me more times than I’d like it too.

But hey after all those four months I’ve finally decided to get a grip on myself and at least make an attempt at writing this, so that’s gotta count for something right??? I’m really putting “new year new me” into action this year 😎

Anyways moving on, my feedback form and q&a form are still open if you’d like to send something through, I’d love to hear anything else from you!

without further ado, the questions-

What’s the oldest (purchased date not publication one) book on your physical TBR?

we’re only on the first question and I’m already going to get called out.

My physical tbr is currently at massive heights and I’m honestly terrified by just looking at it, but I think my oldest book on there would have to be Passenger by Alexandra Bracken. I actually mentioned that I bought this in my first post ever (please don’t look back at it. for both your sake and mine) and I STILL haven’t gotten around to it. BUT I did *try* reading it, and eventually still gave up though, but hey it’s the effort that counts.

*the so-called effort is me reading a total of two chapters*

If you could visit any fantasy world which one would it be?

I read fantasy for purely one reason- escapism. So to answer your question I would like to visit every single fantasy world out there. Disregarding the fact that I would die in every single one of them.

but specifically the answer is camp half blood.

What’s the best thing about blogging?

THE COMMUNITY!! I love you guys so much, it’s insane that I’ve met so many fellow book obsessed people on here and I just LOVE ranting and talking about books with all of you!! And the fact that people from all around the world read my nonsensical ramblings means so much to me (thank you!) also ARCS are the COOLEST even though I’m helplessly behind on reading them.

What’s your least favorite book?

I have a long long list of these. And honestly I want to rant about all of them in depth but I think I may just save that for a separate little post. To keep it short some of my least favourites include-

  • Eleanor and Park – SUCH A BAD BOOK, TERRIBLE, DISGUSTING, who even let this be published??? the blatant racism is so sad to see.
  • Divergent – this book may be the very reason why I barely read dystopia these days. however good if you’re looking for a dumb futuristic society which is a duplicate of every 2010 book written, featuring a rip-off katniss everdeen.
  • Shatter Me – I would like to throw this book against a wall and rip out all the pages with strike-throughs in them. Which basically means I would have to rip out every single page in the book.
  • The Jewel– hah. HAHAH. why do I keep on subjecting myself to such horrendous books. this basically the selection but worse. ( I didn’t know that was possible either )
  • The Alchemist- I think I just don’t like this one because we were forced to listen to the audiobook in school. Those were some of the most monotonous days of my life. No personal grudge against the book though, since I can’t remember what even happened in it.

Would you rather disappear from the online bookish community forever and read as many books as you desired, or stay within the community and never read another book in your life? **Muhahaha, insert this question maker’s evil cackling here 😈**


I CANNOT imagine living without the bookish community typing into my tiny little computer screen everyday writing about books, but I mean no books at all??? THAT’S EVEN WORSE.

so I’d have to go without the book community and read as many books as I desired BUT TRUST ME I WOULDN’T LAST LONG

this question made me contemplate everything.

What’s the last song you heard?

I don’t have spotify open right now but if I’m not mistaken it was ‘Greek God’ by Conan Gray since I’m going to see him live in a few weeks!!!

What are the chances of Conan playing this song live? Zero. Am I still going to hopelessly manifest that he does? Yes. Yes I am. Also I strongly believe that Sunset Season had some of Conan’s best songs so I’ve got to give it all the love.

Which bookshelf organization method is the most superior?

None. Just do what I do and don’t organise your books at all. Who needs nice clean bookshelves when you could instead have stacks and stacks of books piling up everywhere???

I’ve tried a lot of bookshelf organising techniques thanks to all the og booktubers I used to watch back in the day and honestly series-wise or genre-wise is your best pick. However, colour coordinated and rainbow shelves look SO MUCH MORE prettier but it is practically impossible to find anything.

I still think no organisation is the best option though.

If you were suddenly transformed into a turtle and couldn’t change back, how would you deal with the situation?

Honestly I’d be pretty happy and live a nice, chill life. Turtles have it good.

Or I would like to become a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

Whichever works.

What Genre do you read the most of?

HORROR. I genuinely cannot think of the last time I read a horror book other than 4th grade when I read those Creepover books and used to get nightmares every night. I still remember the plot of all them so vividly because they were TERRIFYING.

What’s your favorite song at the moment?

Warrior of the Mind by the Epic Ensemble, The Horse and The Infant by the Epic Ensemble (I like the Epic Ensemble, can you tell?) Where do we go now by Gracie Abrams and The Campfire Song from The Lightning Thief Musical. The Lightning Thief musical is PHENOMENAL and much better than the movies I promise (at this rate anything is better than the movies)

January is my existential crisis month hence it is also the month I fall back into my musical theatre obsession.

What are you favourite movies?

La La Land still remains on the top after all this while but The Half Of It and Everything Everywhere All At Once have now become close seconds. Also ANY Studio Ghibli movie, but I think my current favourite from them is Princess Mononoke.

What cover do you wish had a redesign?

Foul Lady Fortune. I ADORE this book and the cover is actually this really pretty metallic pink in real life however the graphic design??? WHAT WENT WRONG WITH THE GRAPHIC DESIGN. I’m not the biggest fan of the font either 😐

What is a book quote you have never forgotten?

I simply could not choose just one but these are my absolute favourites.

What book/series made you love reading?

cupcake diaries and the rainbow magic series ✋ those books were the PINNACLE of literature for 6-year-old Suhani. They’re honestly still really good after all the years.

Is cheese better or mayonnaise?


if you do the cheese gods will come after you.

watch out.

What’s your height?

5’4 or 5’5 I think I’m not at all sure lol.

What are your hobbies other than reading?

Making art when I’m not facing art block (specifically painting), swimming, playing violin, going on wikipedia spirals, doodling, dancing, badminton, blogging (does this one count??) and film photography!

Talk about one achievement which you are really proud of?

I’m honestly very proud of all the medals I’ve gotten in swim meets and basically just proud of any swim event I’ve been a part of ! Also I’m very happy with my progress in Hindi because I used to be so bad at the language but I’m actually proficient (sorta) in it now!

Who is your favourite singer and why?

ouch this is a hard one because I have SO MANY. I feel like my absolute favourite would have to be Lorde though, Melodrama basically shaped 99% of my personality. Arctic Monkeys, Laufey, Eloise, Mitski, Maggie Rogers and NIKI are all up there as well! I recently went to an Alec Benjamin concert too (best night ever) and I’m still in awe of his live vocals so he’s definitely a part of this list too (bad quality concert pic attached 🥰)

Who is your favourite author?

V.E Schwab. Hands down. I don’t think I’ve read a single V.E Schwab book which I hated and that is so insane??? This Savage Song was one of the first books that got me into the YA genre and The Shades of Magic trilogy got me started into adult fantasy so I’ll always be grateful for how big of an impact her books made on me. Also Vicious has been my entire personality trait for the past few months LIKE HELLO VICTOR AND ELI??? I adore V.E Schwab’s characters so much.

What’s your favourite book?


but any of these are work too….

What’s a guilty pleasure?

reading ao3 and wattpad. no further comment.

oh also rewatching modern family for the millionth time because it is the height of modern television.

What’s something people won’t guess about you?

I used to dance professionally for 8 years and I don’t mention it much on here but it was definitely an interesting time… I just dance for fun now though because those 8 years were more than enough for me lol

also the fact that I am deathly afraid of dogs and cats (eh you could actually easily guess this since I have never been found near one) but yes I am absolutely terrified of them.

How’s your 2023 going?? Have you read any good books recently?? Most importantly do you believe mayo is better than cheese ? (just saying…cheese always reigns supreme)

That’s it for this post, and I couldn’t include all the questions so maybe I’ll make a part two?? highly doubt it but oh well.

also did you guys realise that i actually have not taken a month long hiatus?? IT’S A NEW RECORD

20 thoughts on “one year blogiversary q&a || i’m extremely late but oh well

  1. Yay! I love reading all your answers Suhani 💙 and happy blogiversary for 4 months ago. I love your presence in the book community! 🥰
    Okay, the pick reading or blogging community question is hard!! Reading no books ever, we could never!!
    Sunset Season is my favourite Conan Gray collection too, it is art and I seriously hope he plays some of those songs for you. Ahh.. You are seeing him live!!! Hope you have the best time!!
    I agree, Lady Foul Fortune’s font is not my cup of tea either! It is very blocky and in your face! I will be waiting for your redesign 😉😂


  2. Aww don’t worry that its late…just say that you were waiting for the right number of responses 😅 seriously though don’t feel bad, everyone gets behind with posts sometimes.

    I hate admitting this but I have a horrible feeling my tbr is probably bigger than yours. I mean I’ve actually had to store some of my books in the loft 🙈🙈 but we can both get our tbrs under control!! And snap on Passenger, I have the ebook unread on my Kindle.

    I love fantasy worlds 😍😍 but yes they do tend to be pretty dangerous.

    Aww yes the blogging community is wonderful.

    I have some of your least favourites on my tbr 😬 I’ve always been undecided on Shatter Me though and have seen it has a strong love/hate divide.

    Omg that is a harsh question about books/book community. I think I’d have to stick with the same answer as you though as although I’d miss the community I think watching everyone rave about books whilst I couldn’t read them would break me.

    I hope you enjoy your concert.

    Waterstones did a really stunning version of Foul Lady Fortune…it really tested my self control not to purchase it 😅

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the cupcake diaries?? Although is rainbow magic the books with different fairies on the front?

    Omg you can play the violin? That’s incredible!! I hope you get to do lots of your art this year too. And I love badminton.

    I’ve only read two books by V.E. Schwab so far but I adored them. Addie especially 😍😍 this year I absolutely must read Shades Of Magic at the very least though. Preferably more.

    Omg I’ve only read 3 of your favourite books. The rest are on my tbr though with the majority being books I hope to get to this year.

    What sort of dance did you used to do? Also I can’t believe it about the cats and dogs, I love animals too much to imagine that. I want to say hi to every cat I see 😅

    My 2023 is good so far. I’ve just started my Lady Midnight reread so I can finally read the finale in the series. I adored Holly Black’s latest book too and Ballad Of Never After. I hope January is going wonderfully for you.


  3. Happy blogiversary, Suhani!! 🥳🎊🥳 This was so much fun to read!

    Honestly, I don’t feel like you need to blame yourself for not reading Passenger – in my most humble opinion, it is very much on par with Shatter Me and The Jewel 😅 Although if you truly want something to rant about, I’d suggest giving The Jewel’s sequel a try – I am still traumatized by the awfulness of that book, depite having forgotten almost all of the plot! I do really like Divergent, though, as ridiculous as it is…

    And which evil person asked you that books vs. the blogging community question I wonder? 😈😂 Your pain over having to choose was very relatable, but I probably would’ve come to the same conclusion 🤔

    AND I DIDN’T KNOW YOU PLAYED VIOLIN, TOO! (Or I am a bad follower and forgot, but shhhhh! 😅) THAT’S SO EXCITING!

    Loved this post, Suhani!! 💙


  4. CONAN GRAY LIVE??? I am quite possibly the most jealous person alive right now AHH- hope you love it o.o also BADMINTON yESSS- and the violin and dance??? That’s very cool my dude.
    and im the absolute worst at hindi. i dO make no effort to actually improve so. well.
    anyway. This comment is a bit of a mess but I hope you don’t mind- LOVED THE POST!!! Happy (very belated) blogiversary, in case I didn’t wish you then 🫶


  5. Omg I LOVE the half of it!! The movie and it’s themes are so comforting, it feels like a hug.
    Ahsjsj bring on all the eleanor and park hate, I despise that book😭 however trashy as divergent is I still love it, it’s one of the books that introduced me to YA books and I’ve reread it like a hundred times.
    IF WE WERE VILLAINS you have good taste that book is AMAZING


  6. how did i never see this-
    happy (late) blogiversary!!
    also i’m learning hindi too and i’ve gotten a lot better at the speaking part!! (but i refuse to attempt to be literate in it because how-)
    my childhood self feels validated ❤
    loved reading this <33



    the last book of divergent was so…disappointing…the movies were tolerable due to the casting…but i was constantly rewriting scripts mentally haha

    i’m also cheese obssessed and rainbow magic books alongside enid blyton books were the staple of my childhood! also, you best come pick me up when you locate the doors to camp halfblood.


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